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Closing of the EBSOMED Academies Cycle dedicated to Territorial Marketing

Closing of the EBSOMED Academies Cycle dedicated to Territorial Marketing


In the framework of the EBSOMED project, the BSO Management Academy "Communication Strategy" was organised by ANIMA Investment Network from 2 to 4 December 2019 in Marseille, and brought together executives and managers of economic development organisations around the Mediterranean.

This 4th Academy on Territorial Marketing focused on tools and methodologies to design and implement a governance for a long-term and successful territorial vision and communication.

During the second day, the EBSOMED project Coordinator, Marco Cunetto, presented to the participants the first Success Stories and specified the objectives of the EBSOMED academies in terms of improving the performance of Business Support Organisations (BSOs) and the services offered to the members. He also explained the functioning of the EBSOMED BSO Exchange, enabling and co-financing exchange visits between Mediterranean BSOs staff, executives and managers.

The trainer, Louise Gibbons, gave an overview of good practices in social media and data management, with LinkedIn as a case study. She also presented the rules and procedures for managing an image in a disrupted environment and in a crisis context.

The day ended with the presentation of the projects carried out by the participants throughout the four EBSOMED Academies on Territorial Marketing.

The Academy ended with a closing speech by Mr Abdelkader Betari, President of ANIMA Investment Network, and diplomas were distributed to the 25 participants from Mediterranean countries. The ceremony took place in the presence of representatives of the European Union and local authorities, members and partners of the network.